
Agricorp helps producers cope with stressed crops

​​​Weather has varied across the province this season, and while some crops are doing well, others are stressed, mostly because of the lack of rain.

On behalf of government, Agricorp delivers a comprehensive suite of business risk management programs, such as Production Insurance, which are designed to help in situations like this. Farmers who have Production Insurance coverage receive a payment if their production is less than the guaranteed level they chose.

Agricorp can help producers facing challenging crop conditions by working with them on a case-by-case basis, answering questions about program coverage and helping them through the claim process.

​​Severely stressed or damaged crops

Agricorp understands that some producers may be dealing with severely affected crops that ​are at risk of not reaching maturity. These producers may be considering harvesting the crop early for silage or green chop. Production Insurance includes options to properly determine the yield of these crops.

For details, please refer to the Harvesting Damaged or Stressed Grain Corn Feature Sheet​.​​​​

While harvesting decisions are entirely up to the producer, customers need to contact Agricorp if they're considering harvesting crops early, so an adjuster can visit them and help them through the process. An adjuster can be in touch within 48 hours to make arrangements to inspect the damage and explain how coverage works for each scenario.

The sooner an adjuster inspects the crop and explains the options, the better. This allows time to assess the situation and make any necessary arrangements for the crop. Working with an adjuster as soon as possible also ensures more accurate and timely claim payments.

Other program optio​​​ns

The provincial and federal governments offer a comprehensive suite of business risk management programs that can help affected farmers.

AgriStability can help by protecting the whole farm income instead of one commodity at a time. Farmers receive a payment if their net farm income falls below 70 per cent of their recent average.

AgriI​​nvest covers small declines in the farm income through a matching government contribution.
