
Producer input will help improve forage coverage

​Producers across the province have shared their thoughts about forage production as part of an effort to improve forage insurance coverage in Ontario. Producers have provided feedback over the past few months by talking to their industry groups, calling Agricorp and completing an online survey, all in response to a  review of Agricorp’s Production Insurance forage rainfall plan.

Prompted by a dry, hot 2012 growing season, Agricorp and OMAF have been working with an industry advisory committee and industry experts to review the existing plan and develop options for improvements to forage coverage.

More than 300 forage producers completed a survey posted on in April and May. Their feedback included thoughts on risk to forage, yield variation and preferred changes to forage coverage. Here’s what Agricorp learned:

  • Most respondents chose “rainfall during growing season” and “rainfall at harvest” as their biggest risk concerns.
  • More than 40 per cent of respondents indicated that their yield has varied more than 30 per cent over the last decade.
  • When offered possible ways to improve the plan, most respondents would like to see improvements to the current rainfall model with some interest also in a measured yield approach.

Agricorp and the advisory committee are working with this producer feedback, along with months of research, analysis and consultation, to develop recommendations for possible changes to the forage rainfall plan. Watch for updates and decisions.

The advisory committee participating in this review includes:
