
Overseeding coverage now available for ginseng

​August 22, 2019

Ontario ginseng growers enrolled in Production Insurance can now receive compensation for overseeding to improve the density of a stand, as the pilot plan for ginseng adapts to align with industry practices.

The ginseng plan offers establishment protection for seedling gardens for the first year. A payment may be made if an insured peril causes damage to half an acre or more of a grower's ginseng crop. Insured perils include drought, excessive heat, excessive moisture, excessive rainfall, flood, frost, hail, insect infestation, plant disease, wildlife, wind, and winterkill.

Reseeding coverage is already a feature of the plan. The addition of overseeding coverage will give customers increased flexibility because most ginseng growers choose to overseed when possible.

For the 2020 program year, the establishment benefit is up to $11,150 per acre. The benefit amount paid for overseeding is based on a customer's eligible expenses. Customers who destroy stands and reseed are eligible for the full benefit amount.

Before making a decision to overseed or reseed, customers should contact Agricorp. An adjuster will meet with the customer to discuss next steps.

Sign up now

Ginseng growers who want to participate in Production Insurance need to apply for or renew their coverage by September 1, 2019.

For more information about the Production Insurance plan for ginseng, including premium rates for 2020, visit
