Production Insurance



​Your responsi​​​bilities

  • Follow good farm management practices. If your practices contribute to a production loss, you may lose some or all of your insurance coverage.
  • Meet all deadlines to ensure that your Production Insurance contract remains in good standing.
  • Contact us ​if your business structure changes, including name, address, shareholders and farm management practices.
  • Report damage as soon as it occurs. Failing to report damage as soon as it occurs may cause your claim to be reduced or denied.
  • ​Insure your full crop. For each crop you are insuring, you must insure 100% of your acres.

Planting d​​​ates

There are established planting dates for various areas of Ontario based on crop heat units, soil characteristics, historical claim rates, and other geographical characteristics. The final planting date is the last day that a crop can be planted and still qualify for Production Insurance coverage.

2024 Planting Deadlines: Spring-Seeded Grains and Oilseeds

​Landlord/sharecropper arrangements

Coverage is available to both landlords and sharecroppers based on their respective shares of the crop. Members of an arrangement can decide independently whether to insure their own shares but may​​​ not insure the share belonging to the other member.

If you insure a share in a crop that does not belong to you and a claim results, your claim will be based on your share only and the premium on the uninsure​​d share is forfeited.

​​​Shared equity option​ (SEO)

SEO is another option for landlords​ and sharecroppers that allows each landlord/sharecropper arrange​​ment to be insured under a separate insurance contract. Both the landlord(s) and sharecropper(s) jointly own the insurance contract for each arrangement.

Canadian Agricultural Partnership – Agricorp – Ontario – Canada