Production Insurance
Winter wheat


These base premium rates are provided for information purposes only. For your own rates and for any surcharge or discount you may have, refer to your renewal notice or coverage confirmation.

2024 Premium rates

Claim price type
Customer base premium rates by coverage level
Soft whiteFloating 
Soft redFloating 
Hard redFloating 
Hard whiteFloating 

​Pedigreed seed

2024 Claim prices

CropClaim price type 
Maximum replant claim price
Unseeded acreage claim price Claim price
Soft whiteFixed 
Soft red
Hard redFixed 
Hard white
Pedigreed seed*
*In the case of a claim, if the crop does not qualify as pedigreed seed spring wheat based on production contracts and crop documentation, the conventional claim prices are used and no premium is refunded.

​​Calculating your annual premium

Your annual premium is based on:

  • Customer base premium rate
  • Reported number of acres
  • Discounts and surcharges (D or S)

The premium is calculated using this formula:

Premium = customer base premium rate × number of acres × D or S

Customer base premium rate 

The customer base premium rate is determined at renewal time each year. It may change due to factors like past performance of the plan, changes to claim prices and the level of the Ontario Agricultural Products Insurance Fund.

Reported number of acres

This refers to the number of planted acres you report after planting. Once you report your final planted acres, Agricorp sends your premium invoice.

Discounts and surcharges

If you have had Production Insurance coverage for a commodity for more than one year, your premium rate may be discounted or surcharged. Discounts and surcharges are determined by comparing your individual claim rate for a commodity to the claim rate for the commodity as a whole.

Claim price

Fixed claim prices are set at renewal. Floating claim prices are set at harvest.

If you grow…Floating claim price is determined by…
Conventional winter wheat (soft red, hard red, soft white and hard white)Calculating the average price of Grade 2 winter wheat (soft white, soft red and hard red) from representative growing regions during the period from July 1 to August 31 of the current program year.
Pedigreed seed winter wheatAdding a price premium to the floating claim price for conventional winter wheat for the program year. This premium is based on an industry survey of price premiums offered to contracted producers of pedigreed seed winter wheat.

Canadian Agricultural Partnership – Agricorp – Ontario – Canada