The following document outlines Agricorp's progress in meeting accessibility standards outlined in its Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, in five key areas:
- Customer Service Standard
- General – Accessibility policy, Accessibility plan, Procurement, Training
- Information and Communications Standard
- Employment Standard
- Design of Public Spaces Standard
Customer Service Standard
In 2022, Agricorp remained in compliance with the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) except for two of our websites, which are not yet compliant. When Agricorp invests in website replacement, we will seek to make these sites compliant with the AODA requirements. Where Agricorp customers are unable to access program forms or tools, we will provide alternative supports when customers ask for them.
Since January 1, 2010, permanent full-time and contract staff have completed Agricorp's AODA training. This training is also part of Agricorp's onboarding process for new employees.
Since 2010, Agricorp continues to welcome feedback from our customers with disabilities through multiple communication channels, including platforms such as accessible telephone service, TTY, email, regular mail, and in person.
Accessibility policy
Agricorp's accessibility policy is listed in our Statement of Commitment.
Accessibility plan
Agricorp's Multi-Year Accessibility Plan for January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2024 outlines our strategy to prevent and remove barriers to accessibility.
Effective January 1, 2013, Agricorp incorporated accessibility criteria and features into its policies and procedures when procuring or acquiring goods, services or facilities, except where not practicable to do so.
As listed above, Agricorp provides training to our full-time and contract staff. In 2019, Agricorp initiated a policy that all staff, unless they have taken AODA training within the previous 90 days, will complete this course on a four-year rotation.
Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation ("IASR")
Information and Communication Standard
Accessible formats and communication supports
Agricorp is committed to making program information and communications accessible to persons with disabilities. Upon request, Agricorp will provide in a timely manner, accessible formats and communication supports that take into account the individual's accessibility needs due to disability, and at a cost that does not exceed the regular cost charged to other persons.
Customers are also made aware that accessible formats are available upon request, as our letterhead contains this statement.
Emergency procedure, plans, and public safety information
If requested, emergency procedures, plans, and public safety information that are developed by Agricorp and made available to the public will be provided, in a timely manner, in an accessible format or with appropriate communication supports.
Accessible websites and web content
Agricorp continues its adoption of standards in internet technology to ensure that public websites developed after January 2021 are compatible with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level AA. Agricorp is committed to ensuring that ongoing development of our websites meets AODA information and communication standards.
In Agricorp's Request for Proposals (RFPs), we include compliance with international accessibility guidelines provided by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for WCAG 2.0, Level AA as one of the criteria in selecting technology vendors for new website development initiatives, where practicable. Where not practicable, individual customers can ask Agricorp to arrange for alternative formats that meet their needs.
Agricorp continues to follow the mandated Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO) guidelines and Province of Ontario I&IT solutions that support obligated private sector and broader public sector organizations in compliance initiatives.
Employment Standard
Agricorp is committed to fair and accessible employment practices that attract and retain employees with disabilities. This includes incorporating accessibility practices across all stages of the employment cycle.
Agricorp has reviewed and, as applicable, revised its employment policies, procedures, and processes to ensure that accessibility and accommodation is provided to applicants and employees with disabilities.
Workplace emergency management
Agricorp's emergency procedures include a process for employees with disabilities to exit our facilities. Where Agricorp is aware that an employee has a disability and that there is a need for accommodation, an individualized emergency plan will be developed.
Design of Public Spaces Standard
Agricorp is committed to the applicable Design of Public Spaces Standard and its goal to remove barriers in public spaces and buildings. Agricorp will ensure that any applicable requirements for new construction and redevelopments, as set out and scheduled in the standards, are followed.
Agricorp welcomes and appreciates feedback from our customers, as it enables us to continue to provide service excellence to all customers, including those with disabilities.
If you have feedback on accessibility at Agricorp, please contact us.
1 Stone Road West
P.O. Box 3660, Stn. Central
Guelph, ON N1H 8M4
E-mail: [email protected] (enter the word "Accessibility" in the subject line)
1-888-247-4999 TTY: 1-877-275-1380