Production Insurance
Forage rainfall


About ​​forage rainfall

Forage rainfall coverage uses rainfall as an indicator of quantity and/or quality of forage. There are 2 coverage options that can protect your established forage. Get coverage for:

  • Insufficient rainfall during May, June, July and August.
  • Excess rainfall during first cut.

Insu​​fficient rainfall option

If the measured rainfall at the rainfall collection sites you choose during the insured period is less than 85% of the long-term average rainfall for your area, a claim may be paid.

Excess rai​​​nfall option

If you get rainfall when you are hoping to harvest, you may have lower quality hay. Or if you have to wait to harvest you will lose nutritional quality due to over-maturity. If this happens, your claim payment will help offset additional costs or losses due to rainfall.

You can apply for 1 or both options. Total claims for both options cannot exceed the chosen insured value of the forage grown.

What Production Insurance offers

  • Peace of mind.
  • Dependable collateral with financial institutions.
  • Affordable coverage that is cost-shared with government.
  • Premiums that are tax deductible as an operating expense.
  • Claim payments that reflect market prices.
  • Coverage that accommodates the unique aspects of each insurable crop.
  • Payments that are made within the year the loss occurred (in most cases).

Funding part​​ners

Production Insurance is part of the suite of programs available under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership. For most coverage, producers pay 40% of the total premium cost and none of the administrative costs. Together, the federal and provincial governments contribute the other 60%. Administrative costs are fully funded by both levels of government.

DeadlinesSeptember 2024

Canadian Agricultural Partnership – Agricorp – Ontario – Canada